TikTok’s rolling out yet another creator monetization option, with the addition of subscriber-only videos, which will enable creators to share exclusive content with paying subscribers in the app. Continue reading
If you’re not logged into your Twitter account and try to view a tweet, you’ll be presented with a sign-in screen. And if you don’t want to have an account on the bird app, too bad! Coninue reading
TikTok is the latest social platform to step back from the BeReal trend, with the announcement that it’s retiring ‘TikTok Now’, its copycat functionality that it launched in September last year. Continue reading
If you’re looking to maximize your LinkedIn marketing efforts, this is worth noting – the platform recently updated its algorithm in response to user feedback that too much irrelevant, non-professional content that was flooding their feeds. Continue...
Meta has said it will begin to restrict news on its platforms to Canadian consumers after parliament passed a controversial online news bill. Continue reading